Monday, August 31, 2009

Fixing DLL Issues Related to Kernel32.dll

Fixing DLL Issues Related to Kernel32.dll

Kernel is the nucleus of an operating system. It provides basic services such as performing memory management, handling I/O operations, and handling interrupts. In Windows operating systems, such as Windows 98, ME, and XP, kernel operations are handled by the Kernel32.dll, which is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file. Kernel32.dll is loaded at startup in the protected memory area of the system, thereby preventing other programs from taking over this memory space.

Troubleshooting Kernel32.dll Errors

Since Kernel32.dll manages several core activities of Windows operating systems, there are several reasons why Kernel32.dll errors may occur.

Some of the common causes of Kernel32.dll errors are:

Damaged swap file, file allocation, password list, and registry
Low disk space
Incorrect or corrupt Kernel32.dll file
Improper power supply, faulty hard disk controller, and hot CPU
Hardware malfunctioning, over clocking, ground bounce, and RF noise
Improper BIOS Settings
Damaged or incorrectly installed third party software
Missing or corrupt Temp folder
Damaged or missing Control Panel’s .cpp file
Damaged JAVA machine, hardware drivers, .log files, and Msinfo32.exe file
Incorrect entries in History folder and damaged, missing, or incorrect dlls
Due to their crucial role in managing a number of tasks related to core functioning of an operating system, fixing dll problems related to kernel is very important. Here, we discuss steps to fix common Kernel32.dll problems.

Invalid Page Fault Error

Invalid Page Fault (IPF) errors occur when one or more programs try to gain access to the protected memory space. In case only a single program is causing the problem, then fixing this program by reinstalling or uninstalling it can help you fix the problem. However, in case multiple programs are the cause of the error, then faulty hardware may be the most likely cause. To fix this, you might have to replace the device causing the problem.

If IPF Kernl32.dll errors from different drivers such as Explorer, Msgsrv32, and Mprexe become a common affair, then a damaged password list might be the most likely cause of the problem.

For fixing dll error caused from different drivers, you might have to recreate the password file. Before doing this, remember to write down all the passwords saved on your PC. Next, open the Windows folder and search for the *.pwl file. Next, delete all the .pwl files displayed and restart your Windows system.

Damaged Memory Modules

To find out if frequent kernel32.dll errors are caused by problems in the memory module, run msconfig.exe and add the line ‘DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:ON’ in config.sys and restart you PC. If your screen displays the message ‘HIMEM has detected unreliable memory at address xx:xxxxxx’ at startup, it indicates memory problems.

Outdated or Damaged Drivers

Device drivers, especially video drivers, are updated on a regular basis. Therefore, you must keep your device drivers updated to avoid receiving Kernel32.dll errors.


Many times, malware can lead to dll errors. One of the best methods for fixing dll errors that occur due to malware is to regularly run antivirus scans on your PC. In doing this, it also becomes important for you to keep your antivirus software files updated.

Malware also tends to corrupt the system registry by adding invalid entries or removing important entries from it. Therefore, opting for a registry cleaner software and regularly running registry scans to keep the system registry healthy may also keep dll-related errors at bay.

The Kernerl32.dll file is important for normal functioning of your Windows system. Frequent occurrence of Kernel32.dll errors can stall your system and render it useless. To avoid these problems from occurring on your PC, it is important for you to ensure that your PC’s hardware and devices are well maintained, and are in good working condition. Also, you must keep your PC updated by regularly installing driver, antivirus, and security updates. Regular antivirus and registry scans also help you in preventing dll errors.

The Kernel32.dll file handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When you start Windows, Kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so that other programs do not take over that memory space.

On occasion, you may receive an invalid page fault (IPF) error message. This error message occurs when a program tries to access the Kernel32.dll protected memory space. Occasionally, the error message is caused by one particular program, and other times the error message is provoked by multiple files and programs.

If the problem results from running one program, the program needs to be replaced. If the problem occurs when you access multiple files and programs, the damage is likely caused by damaged hardware.

You may want to clean boot the computer to help you identify the particular third-party memory-resident software. Note that programs that are not memory-resident can also cause IPF error messages.

The following conditions can cause Kernel32.dll error messages:

Damaged swap file
File allocation damage
Damaged password list
Damaged or incorrect version of the Kernel32.dll file
Damaged registry
Hardware, hot CPU, over clocking, broken power supply, RF noise, ground bounce, or bad hard disk controller
BIOS settings for Wait states, RAM timing, or other BIOS settings
Third-party software that is damaged or incorrectly installed
.dll files that are saved to the desktop

Non-existent or broken Temp folder
A control panel (.cpl) file is damaged
Incorrect or damaged hardware driver
Incorrectly installed printer drivers or HP Jetadmin drivers
Damaged Java Machine

Damaged .log files
Damaged entries in the History folder
Incompatible or damaged dynamic link library files
Damaged or incorrect Msinfo32.exe file
Low disk space
More on the possible causes:

Bad memory modules:

You can test your memory modules by inserting the command: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:ON into your Config.sys file. You can use the System Configuration Utility:

Select Start>> Run and type: msconfig [Enter]

Next, select the Config.sys tab and add the HIMEM.SYS line (above) by pressing the New button.

Windows will tell you to reboot your computer.

Watch your screen for a message; "HIMEM has detected unreliable memory at address xx:xxxxxx" which will certainly indicate that there's a memory problem.

Note: Memory problems may not immediately surface from the result of this test. It may take many reboots or even a few days for the above message to appear.

CPU, bus speed or multiplier overclocking.

Graphic acceleration set too high:
Select Control Panel > System, then select the Performance tab, click the Graphics button. Turn down Hardware acceleration by moving the slider a notch to the left, reboot, try again.
Bad or outdated drivers, especially video drivers:

Check with your card manufacturer for an updated set of drivers. Video drivers are updated constantly, it pays to have the latest release, especially if you find yourself having problems with Internet Explorer.
What to do if you have Kernel32.dll IPF ("Invalid Page Fault") error?
This error occurs when an application tries to access kernel32.dll's protected memory space. It may be one particular program or application, or multiple files and applications. Most kernel32.dll errors are NOT caused by a corruption of the kernel32.dll module.

If the error seems to arise when activating a certain program, application or device, you should try uninstalling and re-installing that program, application or device.

If you frequently receive Invalid Page Fault in Kernel32.dll Errors from different drivers (Explorer, Guide.exe, Msgsrv32, Commgr32, Mprexe and others), it is possible that a damaged password list file is the culprit. Try re-creating your password list file:
In Windows Explorer select your \Windows folder

Press F3. This will bring up the Find: All Files window

In the 'Named' box type: *.pwl

Click Find Now

When a list of found files is displayed, select Edit> Select All> Press Delete on your keyboard

Exit the Find window and restart Windows

Note: This procedure will cause you to lose all of your saved passwords. Be sure to write them down before deleting so that you can re-insert them as needed.

computer recently suffered Zelot-inflicted monitor failure and the corruption of my System32 file.

Thursday, August 20, 2009




The Scanner.jar is a simple client application which scans a server or an workstation for open ports from 1 - 65536.
The operating system used: Solaris x86 and the Java IDE: Netbeans !

Notice: The purpose of this exercise is pure educational, to learn about Java and networking. This application will run with any JDK 1.4.2_x version available from It is working fine with the latest version, Java 5 too. However this package does not run with JDK 1.3 or previous versions.

Method 1: Single threaded application

Package: Scanner.jar

This is a single threaded application which will try to look for any open ports.
The main logic behind this is explained below: the scanner will try to access
the range 1 - 65536 looking for any open ports using the Socket() method

try {

InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
System.out.println("Searching for open ports between 1 - 65536");
System.out.println("Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)");

for (int i = 1; i < 65536; i++) {
Socket s = null;
try {
s = new Socket(addr,i);
System.out.println("Port: " + i + " open on " + host );
catch (IOException ex) {

finally {
try {
if (s != null) s.close();
catch (IOException ex) {}

} //for
} //try
catch (UnknownHostException ex) {


Some results:

$ time java -client -jar Scanner.jar
Searching for open ports between 1 - 65536
Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)
Port: 21 open on localhost
Port: 22 open on localhost
Port: 23 open on localhost
Port: 25 open on localhost
Port: 79 open on localhost
Port: 111 open on localhost
Port: 513 open on localhost
Port: 514 open on localhost
Port: 515 open on localhost
Port: 587 open on localhost
Port: 631 open on localhost
Port: 898 open on localhost
Port: 4045 open on localhost
Port: 4999 open on localhost
Port: 5987 open on localhost
Port: 5988 open on localhost
Port: 6000 open on localhost
Port: 7100 open on localhost
Port: 9010 open on localhost
Port: 32786 open on localhost
Port: 32787 open on localhost
Port: 32788 open on localhost
Port: 32789 open on localhost
Port: 32790 open on localhost
Port: 32791 open on localhost
Port: 32792 open on localhost
Port: 32795 open on localhost
Port: 32796 open on localhost
Port: 33221 open on localhost
Port: 36314 open on localhost
Port: 36317 open on localhost
Port: 36359 open on localhost
Port: 36360 open on localhost
Port: 36389 open on localhost
Port: 36391 open on localhost
Port: 36393 open on localhost
Port: 36394 open on localhost
Port: 36395 open on localhost
Port: 36396 open on localhost
Port: 36397 open on localhost
Port: 36400 open on localhost
Port: 36401 open on localhost
Port: 36402 open on localhost
Port: 36403 open on localhost
Port: 36406 open on localhost
Port: 36409 open on localhost
Port: 36455 open on localhost
Port: 36460 open on localhost
Port: 58787 open on localhost

real 1h32m7.01s
user 0m8.28s
sys 0m7.23s

Next the scanner will be implemented using threads to improve the performance, if any.

Method 2: An improved version: multi-threaded

Package: Scanner2.jar

One thing many network client applications, or most likely servers, are using is: threads. To see if we can improve the performance of our scanner we will introduce threads and as well to make the things a bit easier and more flexible the scanner will ask for hostname, startPort, endPort and the number of threads from user.

stefan@nereid>java -jar Scanner2.jar
Usage: java -jar Scanner2.jar hostname startPort endPort noThreads

public class Main2 {
public static PortScannerWorker t = null;
public static String host = "localhost";

/** Creates a new instance of Main */
public Main2() {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here


long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

try {

System.out.println("Searching for open ports between 1 - 65536");
System.out.println("Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)");
host = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);

System.out.println("host: "+host+" threads: "+threads);

ports = new PortHandler(firstPort, lastPort);
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++){
t = new PortScannerWorker(("Worker"+i), ports);

while(t.isAlive()) Thread.sleep(30);
} //try

catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Error:" + ex);

long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time spend for port scan:" + (millisecondsToString(endTime - startTime)));


public static String millisecondsToString(long time) {
// retunr the time as a String



class PortScannerWorker extends Thread {
PortHandler _ports = null;

public PortScannerWorker(String name, PortHandler ports)
_ports = ports;

public void run() {
Port port = null;
boolean quit = false;

while (!quit) {
port = null;
if (!_ports.hasMoreElements()) {
quit = true;
port = (Port) _ports.nextElement();

if (null != port) port.scan(this.getName());

class PortHandler implements Enumeration
InetAddress host = null;
int _firstPort = 0;
int _lastPort = 0;
int _nextPort = 0;

public PortHandler(int first, int last){
_firstPort = first;
_nextPort = first;
_lastPort = last;


public boolean hasMoreElements(){
return (_nextPort <= _lastPort);

public Object nextElement(){
return new Port(_nextPort++);
}//class PortHandler

class Port
int _port = -1;

Port(int port){
_port = port;

void scan(String name) {
try {
Socket s = new Socket(, _port);
System.out.println("Port open " + _port + " discovered by thread "
+ name + " at " +
new GregorianCalendar().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" +
new GregorianCalendar().get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" +
new GregorianCalendar().get(Calendar.SECOND));


catch (IOException e) {

public static String millisecondsToString(long time) {
int seconds = (int) ((time / 1000) % 60);
String secondsStr = (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds;
return new String(secondsStr);
}//class Port

And at the end let's check some results: using the scanner with 500 threads.

727 stefan 75M 47M sleep 59 0 0:00:59 2.4% thunderbird-bin/11
1160 stefan 102M 30M sleep 59 0 0:00:07 1.8% java/508
1095 stefan 64M 42M sleep 47 4 0:03:09 1.1% mozilla-bin/3
672 stefan 25M 13M sleep 59 0 0:00:24 0.8% metacity/1
729 stefan 73M 46M sleep 59 0 0:00:56 0.7% gnome-terminal/2


The scanner is represented by the 1160 PID number having 508 threads (8 internal JVM threads+ 500 our threads). The real size segment of the process got bigger a bit since each thread has its own stack occupying space.

stefan@nereid>time java -jar Scanner2.jar localhost 1 65536 500
Searching for open ports between 1 - 65535
Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)
host: localhost/ threads: 500
Port open 21 discovered by thread Worker3 at 14:31:4
Port open 25 discovered by thread Worker4 at 14:31:4
Port open 22 discovered by thread Worker2 at 14:31:4
Port open 111 discovered by thread Worker36 at 14:31:4
Port open 515 discovered by thread Worker171 at 14:31:4
Port open 587 discovered by thread Worker5 at 14:31:11
Port open 631 discovered by thread Worker1 at 14:31:14
Port open 898 discovered by thread Worker6 at 14:31:34
Port open 4045 discovered by thread Worker17 at 14:35:23
Port open 4999 discovered by thread Worker14 at 14:36:6
Port open 5987 discovered by thread Worker0 at 14:36:47
Port open 5988 discovered by thread Worker0 at 14:36:47
Port open 6000 discovered by thread Worker76 at 14:36:48
Port open 7100 discovered by thread Worker149 at 14:37:33
Port open 9010 discovered by thread Worker118 at 14:38:31
Port open 32775 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32776 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32777 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32778 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32779 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32780 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32781 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32784 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32785 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:50:58
Port open 32789 discovered by thread Worker84 at 14:50:58
Port open 32786 discovered by thread Worker83 at 14:50:58
Port open 32831 discovered by thread Worker379 at 14:50:59
Port open 32832 discovered by thread Worker379 at 14:50:59
Port open 32865 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32866 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32868 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32869 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32870 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32871 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32872 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32875 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32877 discovered by thread Worker172 at 14:51:1
Port open 32879 discovered by thread Worker172 at 14:51:1
Port open 32882 discovered by thread Worker172 at 14:51:1
Port open 32883 discovered by thread Worker172 at 14:51:1
Port open 32885 discovered by thread Worker172 at 14:51:1
Port open 32876 discovered by thread Worker160 at 14:51:1
Port open 32918 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:51:2
Port open 32923 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:51:2
Port open 32947 discovered by thread Worker85 at 14:51:2
Port open 34119 discovered by thread Worker108 at 14:51:34
Port open 36208 discovered by thread Worker379 at 14:52:31
Time spend for port scan:00:35:21.728

real 36m28.94s
user 0m12.02s
sys 0m7.27s

So, the total execution time, using 500 threads, has been 35minutes compared with 1h and 30minutes as previous in Method 1. However the time of 30minutes is far too long. In the next section we will understand why.



Two scanners applications were presented: a single threaded and a multi-threading one. The multi-threading client was presented to show how can you use threads, sockets under Java.

Another open issue was: the time of the scanning process. Scanning for open ports under Solaris x86 took a very, very long time. Why ?

Solaris (x86 or SPARC) defends itself against a DoS - the SYN attack. By default Solaris has this protection ON (hmm ... very nice :)) comparing with RedHat 9 based on kernel 2.4.x where the scanning went in couple of seconds without to have this protection. To disable this protection as root try:
# ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rst_sent_rate_enabled 0

and you can put it on back:

# ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rst_sent_rate_enabled 1

To demonstrate the results after changing the RST parameter we started again Scanner2 to look for all open ports. The CPU consumption went very high and the total time was reduced to: 18seconds !

stefan@nereid>time java -jar Scanner2.jar localhost 1 65535 500
Searching for open ports between 1 - 65536
Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)
host: localhost/ threads: 500
Port open 21 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:15:1
Port open 22 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:15:1
Port open 25 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:15:1
Port open 111 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:15:1
Port open 515 discovered by thread Worker236 at 15:15:2
Port open 587 discovered by thread Worker236 at 15:15:2
Port open 631 discovered by thread Worker236 at 15:15:2
Port open 898 discovered by thread Worker208 at 15:15:2
Port open 4045 discovered by thread Worker212 at 15:15:3
Port open 4999 discovered by thread Worker247 at 15:15:3
Port open 5987 discovered by thread Worker248 at 15:15:3
Port open 5988 discovered by thread Worker248 at 15:15:3
Port open 7100 discovered by thread Worker385 at 15:15:4
Port open 9010 discovered by thread Worker440 at 15:15:4
Port open 6000 discovered by thread Worker248 at 15:15:4
Port open 32775 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32776 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32777 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32778 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32779 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32780 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32781 discovered by thread Worker245 at 15:15:9
Port open 32784 discovered by thread Worker456 at 15:15:9
Port open 32785 discovered by thread Worker456 at 15:15:9
Port open 32789 discovered by thread Worker315 at 15:15:9
Port open 32786 discovered by thread Worker261 at 15:15:9
Port open 32831 discovered by thread Worker297 at 15:15:9
Port open 32832 discovered by thread Worker297 at 15:15:9
Port open 32865 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32866 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32868 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32869 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32870 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32871 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32872 discovered by thread Worker462 at 15:15:9
Port open 32875 discovered by thread Worker494 at 15:15:9
Port open 32876 discovered by thread Worker494 at 15:15:9
Port open 32877 discovered by thread Worker494 at 15:15:9
Port open 32879 discovered by thread Worker252 at 15:15:9
Port open 32882 discovered by thread Worker280 at 15:15:9
Port open 32883 discovered by thread Worker280 at 15:15:9
Port open 32885 discovered by thread Worker281 at 15:15:9
Port open 32918 discovered by thread Worker32 at 15:15:9
Port open 32923 discovered by thread Worker66 at 15:15:9
Port open 34119 discovered by thread Worker158 at 15:15:10
Port open 36208 discovered by thread Worker486 at 15:15:10
Port open 63312 discovered by thread Worker303 at 15:15:16
Time spend for port scan:00:00:15.544

real 0m15.97s
user 0m8.48s
sys 0m5.67s

Trying as well to decrease the number of threads, by reducing the CPU and memory consumption, returned similar results, in fact got better results than the multi-threading one:

stefan@nereid>time java -jar Scanner2.jar localhost 1 65535 1
Searching for open ports between 1 - 65536
Please wait...(CTRL-C to stop the process)
host: localhost/ threads: 1
Port open 21 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:33
Port open 22 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:33
Port open 25 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:33
Port open 111 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:34
Port open 515 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:34
Port open 587 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:34
Port open 631 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:34
Port open 898 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:34
Port open 4045 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:35
Port open 4999 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:35
Port open 5987 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:36
Port open 5988 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:36
Port open 6000 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:36
Port open 7100 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:36
Port open 9010 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:36
Port open 32775 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32776 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32777 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32778 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32779 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32780 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32781 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32784 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32785 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32786 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32789 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32831 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32832 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32865 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32866 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32868 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32869 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32870 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32871 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32872 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32875 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32876 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32877 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32879 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32882 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32883 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32885 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32918 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 32923 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:41
Port open 34119 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:42
Port open 36208 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:42
Port open 63312 discovered by thread Worker0 at 15:17:47
Time spend for port scan:00:00:14.482

real 0m14.81s
user 0m7.21s
sys 0m5.33s

Disabling the RST protection makes the scan procedure very fast. In fact with the protection OFF and with a high number of threads Scanner2 performs worse than using only one thread !

REMEMBER: By default the protection is ON meaning your server is protected against such of DoS attack and when you are switching that OFF you are vulnerable to a DoS attack.


007 Spy Software - Secretly record user's activity and send log emails
We are awarding the Editor's Choice of local computer monitoring to 007 Spy Software, for being so full-featured, easy to use and reasonably priced. It allows you to secretly monitor and record user's activities on a computer, such as web sites visited, windows opened, every key pressed (including login/password of ICQ, MSN, AOL, AIM, and Yahoo Messenger or Webmail), application executed, Internet chats, Email sent, and even take snapshots of the entire Windows desktop at set intervals.

Key Features:
Capability of overriding "Anti-Spy" programs such as "Ad-aware"
View logs remotely with your favourite browsers from anywhere at anytime
Full version is completely undetectable to most anti-spy programs
Start & stop time scheduling
Support user filter to spy on specific users
View all user's Logs with a Single Login
Capture screen at the highest speed
Automatically startup in active and stealth Mode
Suspend on system idle
Powerful keylogger engine to capture all passwords
Built-in slide show for screen snapshot pictures
Export log report in HTML format
Automatically clean outdated logs on disk quota
Password protection
Execute with a simple command in stealth mode
Extremely self-explanatory interface
Compatible with Windows XP/2000/Me/98/95/NT4

Logging Features
Keystroke Monitoring
007 Spy have a powerful keylogger engine to record all keystrokes typed in any application window, such as user name, password, e-mail, chat, instant message (MSN/AOL/ICQ/AIM ), etc. The records are time stamped and categorized by the window title they belong to, so you can tell when and what documents were being typed.
Websites Activity Logging
The amazing spy software even record all websites URL visited in Internet Explorer (Netscape Navigator and Opera will be supported in Pro Edition of 007 Spy Software). 007 Spy Software will log the website URL, the website title, and the time the website was visited! You can click on the link in the Log Viewer to launch the visited page in your browser immediately!

Application Activity Logging
007 Spy Software can record all applications' window activity taken place on your computer! It will log the window title, the opening and closing time of the window, and the current user name. By this you can find out what movies/games were played, what files were modified, what pictures were displayed, and so on.
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NOT like other spy products, 007 Spy Software can take picture of the Windows Desktop just like a automatic surveillance camera! It will capture images at few SECONDS instead of minutes in other spy programs. You have the option of taking pictures of the entire screen or just of active window, and saving the pictures in high quality or low quality JPEG format. 007 Spy Software will also log the active window name and the time stamp when the screen shot was taken. When you click the record in log viewer, 007 Spy Software will launch the selected screen picture in your default image viewer.
Disk Activity Logging
This powerful software spy on all file/folders change made by users within Windows Explorer, such as create file/folder, delete file/folder, rename and move file/folder, etc. These activities are logged by path and time stamp of first access.

Security Features
Password Protection
007 Spy Software is the most securely spy program since it is password protected to prevent others from starting or stopping the monitoring process, as well as changing 007 Spy Software configuration settings!
Stealth/Skilled Mode
007 Spy can remove its Desktop Icon, Start Menu Group, and all its help files by just single click! Also it will never appear in Add/Remove Programs Menu or Task Manager.

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007 Spy Software can load automatically and secretly when Windows boots up.

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Advanced Features
Remote Log Viewer
The powerful spy program is able to deliver logs to our remote online server at set intervals specified by you, then you can view logs with your browser through the Internet from anywhere! It's really much more convenient and simple to work than all other spy products on the Internet!

Log Delivery via FTP
The screen spy pictures may exceed several GBs (Giga byte) in total size, so it's really impossible to deliver them to your email box, and it will also make 007 very easy to be detected by firewall or anti-virus programs. The good news is we have built-in FTP module which allows 007 to transfer all screenshot pictures to your server automatically!
Time Scheduling
The smart spy program can be configured to start and stop at the set time specified by owner. This feature enables user to start monitoring at a reasonable time and avoid viewing too much useless log records.
User Filter
007 Spy Software can be configured to monitor a set group of users on the computer, for example, you can specify the program to monitor only user "Colin" and "Cathy", but stop monitoring when the user "Jason" login. Or, you can monitor all users EXCEPT the account "Administrator", etc.
Friendly Interface
007 Spy Software is also the most easy to use spy program. It provides a much more easy-to-use graphical user interface than any other spy program, which will allow you to familiarize yourself with the software in no time
Idle Detector
The smart spy program now can automatically halt screen shot when system is idle. With this detector, 007 Spy Software will minimize system resource usage and avoid capturing a large numbers of duplicate screenshots.
HTML Report
Like all other spy programs, 007 Spy Software allows you to export log records to a HTML file, so you can conveniently review them in a full-window browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. Especially, the exported screenshot log file contains a thumbnail of each picture captured, so you can locate a screenshot picture as soon as possible.
Sort Log Records
007 Spy Software allows you to sort the list of records in Log Viewer window. Most of other spy program do not allow you to do this. You can sort all records by User, Time, Action (Window) Name, and Content, etc. Records can be sorted by alphabetical order or reverse order.
Powerful Search Engine
The powerful software spy also allows you to search keywords in log records. You can find out the item you are interested in as soon as you click the "Search" button!
Automatic Log Clearing
007 Spy Software can automatically clear the most outdated logs when the log files exceed the size you specified. This will prevent 007 Spy Software from using too much of the disk space.

HD-Spy - The most simple way to record keystrokes under Windows/Linux/Unix

HD-Spy is a very compact physical electronic device to secretly record keystrokes of a computer, regardless of the operating system! It will work fine under Windows, Linux and Unix! NO keylogger software installation needed to capture keyboard activity now! All you need to do is just plugging it between the PS/2 keyboard and your computer as the picture left shows, that's all! It will NEVER been disabled by ANY anti-virus or anti-spyware programs! Hardware-Keylogger can store up to 64,000 keystrokes which is equal to about one week's worth of data!

All anti-virus and spyware-scanning programs will NOT be able to detect Hardware Spy

System Requirements
Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP or Vista
Pentium Class PC (133mhz or higher)
3MB Hard disk space for program files